I absolutely do NOT support…


I absolutely do NOT support this proposal. This change will discourage citizens from making eco friendly choices in the face of a current and worsening climate crisis seen both globally and to a lesser extent in Toronto, with the impacts of recent flooding and air pollution.

This change will make roads less safe for cyclists and sidewalks less safe for pedestrians.

This expense is not how I want my tax dollars being spent when there are so many more worthwhile investments that could be made to the city and province being left to crumble while Doug Ford guts critical infrastructure, such as healthcare.

I don't believe an additional lane of traffic is even likely to reduce gridlock proportionately to the detrimental effect this will have on life for cyclists, pedestrians, and the environment.

Additionally, this is Doug Ford and the current provincial government meddling in municipal affairs, instead of using taxpayer funded salary to work on improving things on the provincial level per his responsibilities.