The bike lanes on Bloor,…


The bike lanes on Bloor, University, and Yonge St have been a huge step forward for our city. Car ownership is not affordable for many and our transit is severely lacking. The environment is a pressing issue for many residents of Toronto. Making bike commuting accessible and safe is an incredibly powerful tool which has worked out in favour of all involved. Bike lanes DIRECTLY save lives of cyclists, allow commuters access to areas around the city, which presents them with increased work opportunities and access to businesses. Pilot projects on bloor and similar studies around the world have IMPROVED business on streets with bike lanes. Not only that, but they actually reduce traffic for drivers. Every cyclist using a lane represents someone who would otherwise be in a car, or contributing to our already severely burdened subway system. As a cyclist, but more importantly a lifelong resident of Toronto, I am EXTREMELY in favour of leaving these bike lanes intact and expanding our bike network.