Not only is the government…


Not only is the government ignoring their own task forces and countless studies, but they’re supposedly “saving” your time and WASTING your money. If anything causes more traffic than a bike lane (and this is more perception than actual fact) it’s CONSTRUCTION. The hilarious proposition to rip out infrastructure that is 1. Completed 2. keeping cycling traffic safe with protected lanes and 3. Keeping motorist traffic safe by reducing speed in populated zones (or reducing the ability TO SPEED) is simply a ploy to win votes from conservative voters outside the GTA who simply don’t know enough about the matter but feel strongly about it. What is simple that reducing lanes creates slower traffic, yes, but more streamlined traffic. Driving on any street where drivers can weave in and out of lines are infinitely worse for causing traffic jams and accidents (just sat in a jam on king west, would have much rather driven on bloor).

As a conservative government, it’s laughable that you advocate for reducing the red tape, yet developers and construction companies groan about how you consistently add burden to their projects with red tape (does eglinton ring a bell? Where has the province been in the time it’s taken to build crosstown? Or finch?) Yet again you are adding red tape to more infrastructure. I thought this was a mantra the conservatives attributed to liberals. Boy was that wrong.