Bill 212 is a threat to road…


Bill 212 is a threat to road safety to vulnerable road users in the name of being 1) a distraction (or astroturfing if you will) to the nefarious parts of the bill like ability to create an easement across people's properties property to bring broadband to new areas, highway 314 being except for any environmental impact assessments and no extensions when taking people's land to build the highway 2) ignores all data and studies showing the increased safety when having separated bike lanes not just for cyclists but all road users 3) ignores the fact THERE ARE STREETS WITHOUT BIKE LANES AND HAVE STREET PARKING that suffer the same if not worse congestion (e.g. Dufferin, Dundas, etc) but parking spots on main arteries is good but bike lanes that take up less space is = the cause of all congestion 4) the ministry of transportation is complaining about travel times in the city, as if to compare to his hometown of Brampton when it's two different urban landscapes and there are still traffic lights every block so "one more lane" is negligible and 5) clearly being a tactic for securing votes at the risk of safety for human beings who don't have air bags or a hunk of metal to keep them safe. Do you want more deaths on the road, because using this bill for political clout and hidden agendas is beyond reprehensible. Not to mention not fiscally responsible to create more gridlock and wasted dollars to rip out the bike lanes already created for the sake of this agenda.