I think that this proposal…


I think that this proposal is a move in the wrong direction. In order to combat gridlock and climate change Toronto, and Ontario in general, should be promoting and creating more bike lanes. Not removing existing ones. Bike lanes have been proven to increase bike traffic, as well as visitors and profits for local businesses and storefronts. Biking and bike culture has been effectively implemented into many city centers around the world, Copenhagen being the poster child. Increasing bike traffic has yielded socio-economic benefits in the near eight hundred million euros for an investment of three hundred million. In addition,it has helped to eliminate hundreds of tons of Co2 output into our atmosphere, by reducing the number of cars on the road. Naturally this reduction in cars also leads to a reduction in gridlock. Also less people driving means less accidents, and bike lanes act as natural buffers for pedestrians.Taking away people's safe transportation options is only going to make people more reliable on their cars instead of looking for alternatives, and will lead to an increase in traffic accidents with more cars on the road, as well as more deadly accidents for those who choose to continue to bike without safe spaces. Pedestrians will also likely face an increase in fatal accidents as their natural walking space is now closer and less protected from traffic. In addition, many new developments in Toronto are opening with many more bike parking spaces than spaces for cars. Toronto should embrace this trend and look to become one of the most bike friendly cities in the world. It will make the city healthier, safer, and more enjoyable to visit in a live. Cities where people get out to enjoy the air and move their bodies are cities where people want to live. This proposal would put the city behind the curve and decrease its competitiveness as a top choice to live by decreasing people's options for safe transportation. Make the air less clean, decrease local business profits and make the city more dangerous for pedestrians, bikers and drivers alike.