Dear government, I live in…


Dear government,
I live in downtown Toronto and use the Bloor street bike lanes every day to commute to and from work. Biking on streets like Dundas is a harrowing experience as you have to contend with cars on your left and car doors on your right. The protection that Bloor street bike lanes offer cannot be understated, and I believe that their removal would constitute a great loss to our city. I am confident that the actual amount of people who commute by bike is higher than 2% as stated in the 2021 city census, as many of us were working from home at the time. In addition, Bike Share TO numbers have been rising steadily for years. I do not see bike lanes on side streets as an acceptable replacement, as there are no direct routes for these thoroughfares. The removal of these bike lanes would entail a costly investment in destroying green infrastructure which provides transportation for many low income people, and keeps our families safe on the roads. Thank you for your time, I hope our voices will be heard.