I am not supportive of the…


I am not supportive of the provincial government overrulling municipal transportation decisions on municipal roads. In general, I am supportive of building infrastructure in Toronto to reduce the reliance on cars, and that includes robust bicycle lane infrastructure. In particular, I am strongly against wasting taxpayer money to remove bike lanes that have already been built.

In my opinion it is totally backwards in 2024 to be so focused on automobile traffic. In a city as large (and growing) as Toronto, you are not going to have smooth automobile traffic. Removing bike lanes is not going to improve traffic. We need strategies to reduce the number of people who attempt to use automobiles in the city. Bicycle infrastructure is one piece in that puzzle, but we need additional tools, such as improved public transit and introducing tolls on incoming vehicles, to be in play as well. The way to to improve city life is to build a city that can be best enjoyed without driving a car at all.

The provincial government should be supporting and collaborating with Toronto in order to achieve a better experience for Toronto residents. There's literally no logical explanation for this legislation, other than that this provincial government has a vendetta against Toronto that is juvenile and irresponsible. Please behave more professionally and reconsider this proposal.