I live and run a business on…


I live and run a business on Bloor near the Ossington intersection, and am both a cyclist and driver (including doing deliveries to my business on Bloor). I think the addition of the bikes lines on Bloor street has been such an improvement to the two lane avenue that existed before. I don’t believe that it has impacted car traffic or congestion in a negative way, and I often drive down this street. The bike lane provides safe, fast transport for those who choose to use it, and many many people do choose to use it. So many of my customers use the Bloor bike lane, and I myself use it all the time to get around instead of driving. I think to get ride of these major bike lanes would majorly reduce the usability of our city—public transit is underfunded and the coverage is not good. Not everyone can afford to own a car, and lots of people simply want to get around the neighbourhood in a safe and efficient manner, which these bikes offer.

I also assume the spending for the road work to install these bike lanes was pretty high, and to then just scrap it after only a handful of years of use would be such an absolute waste of public money and time. I don’t know why the premier of Ontario is meddling in the affairs of the city of Toronto—feels like this should be a mayoral issue and something decided by the people who live and work in the city.