I'm beyond disappointed in…


I'm beyond disappointed in this provincial government's decision to meddle in municipal politics about something that has no connection to their jurisdiction. This bill would needlessly add red tape to something intended to improve the lives, the health and safety of citizens. Well designed bike lanes benefit not only those who bike to work but those who drive, as any effort to divert drivers to bicycles helps reduce congestion for drivers while also improving the drive as we no longer have to worry about sharing the road with these small and vulnerable bikers. And it's important to remember that we're not just talking about regulating something recreational: bikers may be on these roads for fun but are more often than not getting to work or who may be working on their bikes. They are also our children getting to school or to go see friends. We should be enabling their safe commuting.

This proposed legislation is both wasteful and irresponsible, and should be rewritten to support and enable the separation of bike routes from motorways, not to bog them down due to an imagined "war on cars." You should be trying to help people get around safely and efficiently, not simply preserve the seemingly convenient status quo.