Please focus on provincial…


Please focus on provincial issues and leave this hyper local vendetta stuff alone please.

bike lanes aren't the cause of congestion and you know it. this is a distraction to get the suburban vote. Toronto didn't vote for this, if they didn't want bike lanes they would have elected a mayor and council who didn't support them. you are not the mayor of Toronto remember.

people will get seriously injured and die because of this.

this policy direction is baseless.

bike lanes make roads safer for EVERYONE.

this is pure optics. what's next? rip out the sidewalks because the traffic is still there?

how about focusing on the transit projects that are so wildly behind schedule.

you should be ashamed to put forward something so stupid that will cost people their lives.

driver convenience its not worth a person's life.

it's 2024 what other major city is going so backwards with stupid policy like this? give people more ways to move around. people who ride bikes are not second class citizens and while you think "just take the side streets", that's not where the shops and everything is. people ride bikes for their daily lives not just for recreation.

why doesn't doug just take the subway to work? he does know the three lanes they want to rip up have subways underneath right?