This is a ridiculous over…


This is a ridiculous over reach and a colossal waste of tax payer money. Especially when the routes are already finished or under construction.

Besides the time and money already put into the Bloor bike lanes, and other existing lanes, and how much safer they make it for cyclists as well as for drivers like myself (I do NOT want to maim or kill someone because we were too close together) I remember Bloor st before the bike lanes and it was always slow and congested. Cars would be parked in the second lane most of the day effectively reducing the street to one lane anyway. Now with designated parking mixed in, parked cars, cyclists, and drivers have better designated space.

A much better use for this money would be insisting on minimum transit time standards and strengthening transit in the suburbs and smaller cities and towns as well going toward making the TTC clean, safe, and affordable again. The fact that this is the same government the cancelled an in-progress, already funded basic income study instead of allowing it to finish shows you their priorities are not for actual people, communities or businesses. How well will business fair when the streets are under construction AGAIN during a recession and the money is just thrown away. NO to Bill 212