My family and I, including…


My family and I, including husband and 2 children live in the Windsor-Essex area. We do not own a car and use bicycles for 90% of our commutes. The other 10% is done with public transport, car share, and Uber. It is important to us that we, especially our children, have safe routes to get to and from our destinations for sporting events, groceries, community events, and including going to the park or the library, etc. on a daily basis. Already our routes remain broken up and many times we feel unsafe. For a long time we've been fighting for the very few, disconnected bike lanes we now have, only to hear that they could be under threat of being removed. Our cities should be safe for all: young and old, rich and poor, able bodied and persons with disabilities (including my husband's brother who has down syndrome and only feels safe in bike lanes). We already know that the more bicycles and buses we have on the road, means less traffic congestion, so why are we forcing more vehicles on the road by removing or not allocating bike lanes. My family and I oppose this decision which makes absolutely no sense for cities or traffic congestion and makes Canada quite frankly a undesirable place for a lot of people to live in or want to visit.