
BIKE LANES SAVE LIVES. 6 people riding bicycles have been killed by cars & trucks in the GTA this year. A 13 year old girl riding a bicycle was recently killed in Ajax. Safety of all road users must be a priority in all transportation decisions. The problem is not too many bike lanes; congestion is caused by too many cars as there are insufficient public transport and cycling options. Increased road and highway capacity is quickly filled up by the increased traffic it induces. All major traffic studies show that bike lanes help decrease automobile use, reduce congestion and improve air quality. Toronto's Bloor St. trial pilot of bike lanes showed that merchant sales actually increased once bike lanes were installed. Having the province regulate whether municipalities can install a bike lane or not is a huge & inefficient overreach by the provincial government. There are over 440 municipalities in Ontario. This overreach will create more redtape and further bloating of the provincial bureaucracy.