Why are we making it easier…


Why are we making it easier to drive and use automobiles. Most cities in Europe are bicycle friendly if not outright pro bicycle. It is better for health, better for the environment and far more sustainable. Why are we continuing to cater to cars?

Specifically for Toronto, take the public transit. The continuing ease and support of cars does nothing to drive people to walk, ride or use public transport. If the idea is to ease congestion get rid of the street cars that take up two lanes and cause a great deal of traffic congestion and/or risk to pass.

Generally, I see this as slippery slope legislation to permit communities from advancing a less automobile dependent world.

Instead of this anti-bicycle legislation we should be promoting a pro-cycling bill requiring all new highways in the province to have a proper bike lane. There are many countries in Europe that have a paved bike path running beside their highways. You can get anywhere safely by bike that you can by car.

Let's get with the times!