I vehemently disagree with…


I vehemently disagree with this bill in essentially every aspect.

The province should not be dictating where cities place their bike lanes. The studies are done at the municipal level and that's where the decision should lie. The rest of the province does not need to be involved in these local issues. This bill makes it clear the conservative party is the biggest proponent of increasing red tape and expanding the roadblocks and overhead created by the government. The fact that it is being proposed that the existing lanes should be removed is a gross waste of taxpayer money, especially at time where our healthcare and education systems are failing to deliver and not being allocated sufficient funds. This isn't even getting to the point that studies show that cycling infrastructure actually reduces congestion. If you want congestion to be reduced, people need alternatives to cars, plain and simple.

Second, I completely disagree with the dismissal of environmental assessments. We know major construction projects like this can have devastating effects on the environment, and that fact that this government wants to ignore that entirely speaks volumes to the disdain they have for the public that has to live with the outcome. Environmental assessments are done for a reason and should continue to be done.

Finally, if this provincial government actually cared about making travel within the province and its cities easier, they would drastically increase transit funding. We have cities like Ottawa halving their train frequencies to save less than a million a year, meanwhile this provincial government is spending 3 billion to send out 200 cheques to everyone, 250 million to cancel the beer store contract a year early, 15 million a year on advertisements telling us how great things are in the province while our services are collapsing.
How can you advocate for all workers to return to the office and then turn around and complain about congestion. You were the one proposing creating traffic.

This is financial mismanagement and government overreach on a biblical scale and this bill is just the cherry on top.