This is clear provincial…


This is clear provincial overreach that seems to be more about the premier's failed mayoral bid and his personal commute than doing what's best for all Ontarians. That the premier of Canada's largest province is fixated on three streets in Toronto is shameful and voters like myself will remember come election day.

Let Toronto and other cities build their own bike lanes. In this era of accelerated climate change, we need to encourage more sustainable transportation, instead of prioritizing fossil fuel-burning cars. I'm surprised that a conservative government has taken this tack, as that political philosophy usually hates such heavy-handed government intervention.

Highway 413 will carve up the Greenbelt, ploughing up prime farmland and disturbing important habitats like wetlands that we need to help contain flooding, which has worsened in the GTA recently. The accelerated environmental review process, fines for anyone who blocks construction and lack of recourse for landowners are totally unacceptable.

The government seems hell-bent on ramming this highway through before more Ontarians realize it won't help relieve congestion, though it will help some wealthy developers. The Minister of Transportation has said, “I think it’s a very clear message that we will do anything and everything to get this highway built,” he said. This statement is supposed to make the government sound strong and committed, but it only reveals its desperation.

This legislation and the useless projects it supports are political stunts. I include the proposed 401 tunnel in this, as well. The government is busy trying to find shortcuts to re-election while Ontarians with good jobs are forced to visit foodbanks and live in their cars. The people of Ontario deserve better.