Removing bike lanes on Bloor…


Removing bike lanes on Bloor St and University would not save time or prevent traffic. What it would do is risk the lives of the hu deeds of bikers who use these bike lanes every day. Since the lanes were out I , biking in Toronto has become safer, more bike friendly and easier to access for this not driving. Especially for younger kids learning to navigate the streets of Toronto on their bikes (my 13 year old is one of those kids). The construction and amount of cars on the road are causing the traffic and bake ups in the city. The bike lanes promote going car free in a city that desperately needs more options for transportation. Why the province feels it can make these decisions is mind blowing. People who actually live and work in the city should have a say. The Mayor and city councillors should have a day. Removing bike lanes in Toronto will not save time, it will cause deaths.