Mr.Ford, Thank you for…


Thank you for asking for feedback on reducing bike lanes in Toronto.
This is a very misguided policy. It is another conservative policy decision not based on data, financial acuity, public safety, environmental stewardship, or what Toronto taxpayers and voters have supported. Instead it is a policy to ensure that your friends and supporters who still live in the bubble of the 1970's where more cars, more traffic, more pollution were a sign of progress and success win.
Mr.Ford your policy will do nothing but cause harm for the city of Toronto. Your policy will cost Ontario taxpayers at least an estimated $48 M dollars- money that cold be better used of providing food for the homeless and children. The additional costs for the development and construction of new bike lanes is not known. More misuse of Ontario and Toronto taxpayers. Reducing bike lanes will increase congestion and reduce safety. What is the point!
I am begging you and your cabinet members to reconsider your legislation and really listen to what Toronto citizens want.