I live in Toronto & oppose…


I live in Toronto & oppose bill 212! The Ontario government is interfering with our local democracy & should not have the right to affect our municipal affairs in this manner. This appears to be a Big Brother power grab by the provincial government which wants to tell us what is good for us. It also appears
to be a very political move trying to bolster support for a probable early provincial election.

This act will not decrease congestion significantly. It doesn’t reflect research or the worldwide experience on the impact of bike lanes. It will limit potential new cyclists from using bikes as a mode of transportation to work, shop or for recreation. More cars will be added to the roadway.

Removal of lanes would involve an exorbitant cost shouldered by all of the people on Ontario plus the cost incurred by the municipal government working on this issue. This could be money spent on better public transit for example, which would reduce congestion in cities.

The provincial government could have had some discussion with Toronto to make potential adjustments. A sledge hammer approach to this issue feels arbitrary and undemocratic.