I am very much opposed. For…


I am very much opposed. For one thing, taking out all these bike lanes will mean shutting down large sections of the major roads in question, for months and months, AGAIN. How is that supposed to help with congestion, exactly? Additionally, the city has found that removing the lanes would cost almost twice as much as it did to install them.
It's obvious that the province is making this unilateral decision in an attempt to appeal to voters who think their right to drive everywhere in their own cars is more important than, say, health care. They are doing this at the expense of the quality of life and personal safety of so many people, based on essentially no evidence. No data has been produced to prove that separated bike lanes are causing congestion. I've read, though, that as biking in the city has become safer, more and more people have been choosing to bike. Surely that means at least some cars are on the road less often. Can I just add that the province's own website encourages us to "Choose cleaner travel choices, such as public transit or bicycle". The Ford government is apparently saying 1.2% of people commute by bike in the Toronto area, based on numbers from 2011. However, there's also a study from the City of Toronto from 2019, which says 70% of Toronto residents reported cycling in general; 26% cycled recreationally, and 44% were "utilitarian cyclists". Whatever the actual numbers are currently, I believe it's safe to say this decision would impact more than 1.2 % of residents.

As for Highway 413, its exemption from the Environmental Assessment Act will lead to irreversible environmental harm. Environmental Defence has shown that this highway will destroy over 400 acres of critical natural habitat. It's been proven that building more highways leads to induced demand, creating more traffic and pollution. Transportation is already the largest source of emissions in Ontario. At this time, it should be a priority for any government to reduce emissions. Instead, our provincial government chooses to destroy wetlands crucial to flood prevention and carbon storage, as well as our farmlands.