I totally disagree with Ford…


I totally disagree with Ford's intervention on bike lanes. Bike lanes are a critical way for us to move forward and have BETTER movement of people through the city. Without bike lanes, cyclists are at risk of injury and death. We are regressing when we undo the progress made to enable the use of bicycles to get around the city. RideShare programs are fantastic but without bike lanes they become so dangerous. People's lives are at stake.

Bike lanes ensure a separation between traffic and bicycles -- if the lanes are removed then traffic will have to slow for unpredictable bicycle riding.

We need to follow the leadership of other countries where lanes have been used to get people SAFELY onto their bikes resulting in fewer vehicles on the streets.

In addition, if Ford is allowed to intervene on this issue then where does he stop? Ford would never allow the federal government to move into provincial space so why does he think he can move into city space?