Hello, I strongly urge this…



I strongly urge this government to reconsider restricting bike lanes to only roads where it would not result in the removal of vehicle lanes. For many municipalities, like Toronto where I live, there is limited ability to build bike lanes without removing vehicle lanes because the width of the right-of-way is fixed. Municipalities like Toronto have long grappled with vehicle congestion (well before bicycle lanes became an integral part of the transportation system) and with only so much room to move people and goods we need to use our right-of-way as efficiently as possible. That means encouraging people to use space efficient modes of transportation like bicycles. It has been long known that bike lanes are the best way to encourage people to bike to work and run errands. Without them many people might otherwise drive because they don't feel safe bike on roads with cars and large trucks. This government often says that they respect the autonomy of local governments to make decisions that's best for their residents. Where to put bike lanes should be left up to municipalities not the province.