This makes so little sense…


This makes so little sense to me that I can't fathom that this is a real proposal. I'm not a cyclist. I drive everywhere I need to go, and one of my least favorite things to encounter while driving are cyclists. At top speeds, they are much slower than cars, and it's very annoying to have to overtake them on busy streets, or let them merge with traffic as bike lanes end. But these grievances can easily be solved...
By building more bike lanes!
Separating bike traffic from vehicle traffic makes for a much nicer driving experience, as there are far less points of conflict between cyclists and drivers. Not to mention this makes travel much more safe and comfortable for cyclists.
It's clear from this proposal that the needs and safety of cyclists is not being considered whatsoever, which is shameful. So many more accidents will occur if cyclists are forced out of their protected lanes and directly in the path of high speed vehicle traffic.

The entire point of this proposal is to alleviate traffic congestion. But considering the projected population growth and increasing density of the city, having every person driving a car will increase congestion tenfold. By providing alternatives (such as protected and separated bike lanes), many people in dense metropolitan areas are more incentivised to leave the car at home and bike instead. This reduction in car trips is what will reduce grid lock. And this will only happen if the city continues to expand and improve the cycling network.

If this Bill gets passed, so many years of progress will get thrown out the window, and I pity the future generations that will be forced to clean up the mess that this Province will have created.