I support Cycle Toronto’s…


I support Cycle Toronto’s petition and strongly oppose this Bill.

Bike lanes are critical to a thriving city and society. They make commuting safer, reduce traffic and pollution, and support local businesses. Removing them forces cyclists into unsafe conditions and pushes more people into cars, making congestion and emissions worse. Toronto already has some of the worst traffic-related emissions in North America—we should be addressing that, not making it worse.

If this Bill passes and bike lanes are removed from busy streets, people will die. When calculating the costs of administering this Bill, I hope the government takes those lives into account.

Experts have commented that there is no evidence that removing bike lanes will meaningfully improve car traffic. I strongly encourage our government to push for stronger evidence in support of this Bill’s objectives and to publish those reports.

Instead of undoing progress, the government should invest in infrastructure that promotes cycling and public transit. Let’s focus on building a city that’s safer, greener, and works for everyone—not just cars.