I think that this is an…


I think that this is an incredibly foolish move, and an attack on the people who actually LIVE in Toronto. If the goal was actually to "get people to where they need to go faster", emphasis would be placed on improving public transit and ENCOURAGING bike lane use, NOT clogging the streets with more single-user cars. Further, bicycles run on muscle power. Transit runs (primarily) on hydro-electric power and nuclear power. Cars run on petroleum products, which add to the already...let's call it 'distinctive' odor of the city, that being of hardening concrete, jet fuel, scorched fry oil, and suffering.

For my part, I believe that 'vehicle' portions of the road should be primarily for moving supplies (e.g. foodstuffs, materiel to keep businesses running, etc.) in and out of businesses, and to assist with the larger chores of life (e.g. moving house, etc.) not for the daily commute of rich folks who don't want to share space with "the poors."

In short, we should be focusing on 'walkable' cities, not 'drivable' ones.