Privileges must be partnered…


Privileges must be partnered with responsibility. Don't take out the bike lanes. In bike lanes, they are only safer if they comply with the rules. DO IMPLEMENT TRAFFIC LAWS TO CONTROL CYCLIST BEHAVIOUR. I see bikes going through red lights/stop signs, wrong way on on-way streets, diverting into traffic lanes and across them, refusing to slow for pedestrians. I see aggressive behaviour against drivers turning right, including creeping into one's blind spot and kicking the car to stop the turn. I see kamikaze lane shifting through traffic. Bike lanes help limit some of this. But there seem to be NO CONSEQUENCES and the cyclists can be actively dangerous. They don't even show self-protectiveness with helmets, lights and reflective clothing....all of which should be mandated by provincial law. I have to do this as a driver, use seat belts and signals and lights, and pass a licence test to boot. Why not cyclists?

Also, the term 'cyclist' has grown well past the peddle bicycle. It now includes scooters, power boards, electric bicycles and even small motorcycles. This needs control. Half the trouble comes from the power bikes, travelling at up to 45km, in the bike lanes. Again, we need to re-institute BICYCLE LICENCES and redefine the motorcycle to include the powered bikes and scooters. Think of it as a financial opportunity....somebody has to fund those bike lanes.

Try being a pedestrian senior sometime. Scary to be walking out there, guys.