This reads a lot like an…


This reads a lot like an omnibus bill. You are including a lot of unrelated issues, connected to cycle lanes but not restricted to them, and that is really alarming and manipulative. I fear this is concealing initiatives yet to be discussed or approved. Yes, traffic needs to flow. No, bikes should not be banished nor routes made unsafe. It's possible to have both bikes (even electric ones) and cars co-exist, if rules are established. We need some updated traffic laws to deal with this technological change. And we need to ensure that everyone on the road lives by the same rules, including cyclists and motorized vehicles of every stripe. Train and licence them all!

Building more roads is NOT the answer. That includes the infamous 413 Highway, a totally unneeded route. Tunnels aren't needed either, but we do need the 407 back in public hands as a 401 bypass route. We need to use better what we already have.