I strongly object to this…


I strongly object to this proposed legislation. The Ontario government tries to project a green image but its actions reflect precisely the opposite. There is no evidence whatsoever to support the need for a reduction in bicycle lanes. If anything, cities like Toronto and Ottawa need to introduce fees for bringing cars into their downtown cores, increase the number of bicycle lanes, and promote and support more public transit. The province has no business interfering in a local matter - cities know best and have the best studies to know how to manage their traffic and transportation. The drivers of Etobicoke need to adjust to the changes introduced by bike lanes on Bloor Street and think of ways to reduce their own reliance on fossil-fuelled vehicles. The removal of bicycle lanes in any of our cities is completely regressive and counterintuitive to the reality of climate change and environmental destruction. If Vancouver and Montreal can do it then so can Ottawa and Toronto. Shame on the Ford government - this is not leadership, but pandering to votes. I completely reject the proposed legislation.