The proposed act ignores…


The proposed act ignores several truths:
1). we are in a climate emergency and this act ignores the need to reduce the number of carbon emitting vehicles on the roads.
2) Billions of tax dollars spent on new highways, paving over scarce farmlands and wetlands (which mitigate flooding ) are better invested in public transit infrastructure including high speed trains and local efficient train service
3). for much less cost ( financial and environmental) the Province could subsidize users of the highway 407 toll road which is well below capacity freeing up other highways.
4) building more highways does not lessen gridlock ; it adds more drivers to the roads . There is research available to the provincial government (which it selectively ignores ) that new highways/ road only get filled up with more vehicles thus needing more roads and the cycle continues .
5) Cities need more revenue tools than just property taxes to deal with infrastructure and maintenance of road and bridges . It is inequitable that all taxpayers ( including non drivers) fund roads and highways. Toll roads make more sense but the Province has banned them inexplicably.
6). Maybe I am biased but Toronto is the economic engine of the province and the country . The province (and Federal government) should remember this and not hinder Toronto’s democratic agency
and its desire to be a vibrant functioning world class city .

prescribed municipalities would be required to seek provincial approval to allow for the implementation of new bicycle lanes (“bike lanes”) that require the removal of an existing lane of traffic. Approval will be based on a set of specified criteria, to be set out in guidance and/or regulation.

I strongly disagree, the province should not interfere and micro-manage a municipal issue that could and should be dealt with by locally elected representatives as is their right. Why bother electing a local council if only to be vetoed by Big Brother provincial government.

The proposed framework would also provide the province with the authority to require municipalities to submit information about existing bike lanes on municipal roads where an existing vehicle lane was removed. Based on the outcome of the review, a regulation could be made to require the removal of the bike lane and its return to a lane of traffic.

I strongly disagree for the reasons above as well as the total waste of tax payers money in the municipal and provincial level - funds that could be spent improving public transport that would move more people - Not just “drivers” ! Both levels of government have large deficits that need to be addressed before tax dollars are thrown out the window . The resultant months long road work would only compound the gridlock the city of Toronto faces . This is a cynical ploy to curry favour with Etobicoke voters before an election.

The framework is proposed to require the province to remove sections of the Bloor Street, Yonge Street, and University Avenue bike lanes in the City of Toronto. Additional authorities to facilitate the removal of these lanes would also be included in the legislation including an exemption from the Environmental Assessment Act and the requirement for the City of Toronto to provide support to facilitate the removal of the bike lanes.

I strongly disagree for the above reasons . I agree The City could have done consultations , plans and implementation of the bike lanes much better. The chronically underfunded TTC could not help to get more cars off the road and mitigating the resultant gridlock . But it is not and the Province is partly culpable for this .
However, given the sunk costs and costs undo the bike lanes . patience is required - other jurisdictions have done well in getting more cars off the roads , moving people with a strong public transit system , improving air quality, for all local citizens . If the province can help with better suggestions to achieve this , the city should welcome its input but the province should respect local democracy.