Dear Governmental types…


Dear Governmental types...
Sadly the Toronto city government has created bike lanes on major roadways instead of secondary parallel roads over the past five years. Yes, use secondary roads that run parallel to major roadways instead of major roads like Yonge, Avenue, Bloor east and west, etc. How many people do I hear now who say they will never go downtown (Toronto) because of the messed up traffic, 'snarls' as some call them. How much revenue is downtown Toronto missing out on from people who live outside that centre and beyond into the greater Toronto area (GTA) because SO many people don't want to fight the traffic? A LOT.
And the same goes for potential bike lanes in Etobicoke, North York and Scarborough.... use roads that parallel major streets and don't foul up their commutes also.

Concerned Toronto Citizen for 40 years.