Removing bike lanes is not…


Removing bike lanes is not going to speed up traffic. Consider this: bicycles are bound by traffic rules and alloud on city streets (unless the laws are changed to prohibit bikes on these streets: good luck with that). If you remove bike lanes, riders will be forced to ride in lanes with cars. For safety sake, they may LEGALLY choose to ride in the center of the lane at whatever speed they can safely maintain (about 10-15kph) Left turning cyclists would also be able to LEGALLY occupy left lanes to safely complete their turns. How fast will traffic be moving when all those bikes are now riding in the center of both lanes and making left turns from standing position on busy streets. For our safety, we cyclists may also legally choose to ride 2 or 3 abreast. I can envision some road rage and heated driver/rider exchanges if this occurs. Bike lanes not only keep riders safer but keep them from slowing down regular traffic. Anyone who ever tried to ride on city streets knows this. I think it's safe to say the Premier has never ridden a bike on city streets. Perhaps to demonstrate the damage removing bike lanes can cause, someone should organize a week where cyclists en mass shun bike lanes on Bloor between North Etobicoke and Queens Park and ride in the vehicle lanes to demonstrate a world without bike lanes during Premier Ford's Daily commute.