There is absolutely no…


There is absolutely no evidence that removing bike lanes increases commute times or makes travel safer.

On the contrary, bike lanes make the road safer for everyone, including cyclists, pedestrians, and even drivers. Removing the bike lanes from these key arteries (Bloor, University and Yonge) would not remove cyclists from those streets - cyclists would continue to use them, putting their lives at risk and making it less safe (and more frustrating) for drivers. There are no adequate alternatives that run parallel to these main streets.

I implore the Ontario government to use common sense, listen to the research, and understand the concept of "induced demand": it has been widely proven that if more roads are built, more cars will come. Ripping up these bike lanes does not mean commute times will shorten. It means the roads will be clogged with more cars, and that more people will die as a result.

The protected bike lane along a portion of Bloor was only recently completed, after months of construction and millions of dollars. Finally, cyclists (including me) have a safe way to get around. Removing this lane after it was just completed would cost taxpayers millions, result in endless more months of construction, and remove the safe infrastructure that was only just installed. We do not need more cars spewing planet-warming pollution into the streets and increasing health hazards.

Listen to your constituents and make the sensible, safe decision. Do not pass Bill 212.