Hi there, this bill is a bad…


Hi there, this bill is a bad idea and is only going to cause more congestion, hurt businesses, and ultimately hurt the city of Toronto. bike Lanes have been proven to improve congestion in large cities like Toronto, improve profits for small businesses, and decrease pedestrian and cyclist deaths. it is unfathomable to me how this bill can even be considered, given that it will cause more cyclist and pedestrian injuries in Toronto and across Ontario. congestion is not caused by bike Lanes, but by aging infrastructure, a lack of a comprehensive subway system, and an unsafe environment for pedestrians and cyclists. this bill will have the opposite effects that it is intended to solve, with likely increased congestion both during and after construction as cyclists will now have to take up the whole lane in order to safely cycle across the city. please do not make Toronto one of the first North American cities to take away bike Lanes that have been installed in recent years. we do not want a repeat of the Jarvis bike lane, which has made Jarvis Street and unsafe street for both cyclists and pedestrians, as well as a business desert. please heed the calls of of businesses and Business associations who have called for keeping the bike Lanes on Bloor University and yonge streets for the sake of their businesses and their employees. also, please stop impeding on municipal authority, as this is a municipal issue and not a provincial one. if the provincial government is honestly interested in alleviating congestion in the city of Toronto, the province should consider investing in repairing aging transportation infrastructure, creating more Subway lines quickly in discourage commuters coming into the city from using their cars, and installing more bike lanes and pedestrian infrastructure to ensure safety and ease of access to businesses.