This proposal should not…


This proposal should not pass. Doug Ford is ignoring data, and ignoring the voices of those who do not share his view point, to the detriment of the cities. People will not bike without biking infrastructure, and it takes time to build up the numbers and for people to change their habits and use the infrastructure.
The data does not support this bill in any way, and Doug Ford is not presenting any real alternate data related to how this will actually help anything. The construction will create further grid lock (as seen all across the city where there is construction) and it should not be the concern of any citizen of Ontario to pay for ripping out important infrastructure in cities they live no where near. This is rash, not thought out, and not based on real evidence. It is a backward proposal that will not help get people where they need to go in Toronto, and will literally cost lives. Please look at the evidence and do not consider only the interests of your business contacts in Etobicoke - this is about the environment, accessibility, safety and the future of the city for many years to come. This bill absolutely should not pass.