Removing currently existing…


Removing currently existing bike lanes on Bloor St., Yonge St. and University Avenue is short-sighted, neglectful of the residents of Toronto who use it as an affordable and convenient method to get to places of employment, study, etc. as well as a huge waste of taxpayers dollars.

These bike lanes exist along routes that already have another major mode of transportation, namely, the TTC subway lines 1 and 2. There are numerous other routes that go north-south and east-west in Toronto that are more suitable for cars, and removing the one major, safe option for cyclists for each direction, out of the many routes those available to cars, unjustly limits and penalizes those who cannot afford a car or a TTC pass.

Most streets in Toronto are already unsafe for cyclists due to the high volume of cars and the large number of areas under construction. Gridlock is being caused more by all the people who insist on driving rather than taking transit, as well as the poorly planned roadwork that seems to block most convenient routes all at the same time and get delayed due to poor planning.

As well, leaving the decision of bike lanes in the hands of people who may not even live in the city is ill-conceived and does not bring the necessary experience of those who use the roads in Toronto to the decision-making process.

Instead of punishing cyclists, let’s find more incentives for people to leave their cars at home and plan construction more appropriately to keep the roads clearer for those who do drive and bike.