Municipalities are best…


Municipalities are best equipped to make local transportation decisions, especially when it comes to cycling infrastructure. Change takes time, and while there are sometimes challenging impacts immediately following bike lane implementation, the long term gains are worth some short term pains.
We know that bike lanes improve safety, and over time they will improve congestion as well. Without safe active transportation options, people will continue to drive and more will switch to driving (from cycling or transit), and further clog the streets. Much of the congestion today is caused by construction projects, which are also part of working towards longer term benefits, like high order public transit. If we give up now and give space only to motor vehicles, congestion will never improve.

Environmental Assessments are critical to major highway proposals. The destruction of farmland and natural environments by the proposed Highway 413 would not only destroy habitats but also contribute to food insecurity and damage our agricultural economy.

I urge you to stop this Bill from moving forward.