A long time ago when I was…


A long time ago when I was the mother of a young child, we tried to cycle to Young People's Theatre on Front Street from the waterfront. There were no bike paths and we were biking on the road, my daughter ahead of me and me behind to make sure I could see anything that might look like a danger. There was a taxi behind us who was impatient and angry that we were on the road - his response was to drive ahead of my daughter and then to keep stopping and starting in front of her (a 10 year old!) so she was forced to stop and start along with him. When he thought he had taught us our lesson, he yelled that we should be on the sidewalk and did not belong on the road.
Now I am a grandmother in the same situation and can cycle without fear in the bike lane with my granddaughter.
Please don't force us back on the sidewalk.