I wish to express my…


I wish to express my appreciation to this Government for soliciting my view as a Toronto resident, homeowner and bicycle commuter, on the sudden and unexpected intervention into the affairs of the City of Toronto by this same Government of the province, to slow and congest Toronto traffic yet further, and to bow to the perceived special interests of a few automobile owners.

I am a believer in the value of well managed urban cycling infrastructure in Toronto as an important way to make road travel safer, faster, healthier, and much less expensive for Toronto citizens. I have been a Toronto bicycle commuter since the early 1990's.

Compared to driving, travelling by bicycle on the streets of Toronto is the way to travel for persons who know the value of their time( time not wasted in heavy traffic), the value of the physical and brain exercise that bicycling brings. And of course, in the dead of winter or the pouring rain, the TTC still offers a good alternative to riding, and a place to load the bike on a bus.

Bicycling in the 2020's is far easier, far safer, and often faster that it was in the 1990's. Cycling infrastructure improvements and development by our city have caused this difference.

Removing existing effective cycling infrastucture? A null option. A waste, to the benefit of no one.