I am opposed to this bill as…


I am opposed to this bill as I think it is misguided, will not solve the problem it intends to, and unnecessarily overreaches the province's authority over local municipalities.

I regularly cycle to work and elsewhere in a growing city (Guelph). Recently added bike lanes and protected bike turning lanes have improved my safety on the road. Biking on a road without a bike lane often involves a few motorists passing me too close for comfort. When this happens, I am forced to bike closer to the centre of the lane, preventing motorists from passing me in that lane at all. This slows down traffic as much as the removal of a car lane AND causes uncertainty, stress and danger to everyone involved. I also drive a car regularly and feel much more comfortable being able to pass cyclists while they are safely in a bike lane!

When car lanes are removed to add bike lanes, this often also includes addition of a centre left turn lane, which streamlines traffic and prevents much of the slow-down people fear from the removal of a lane. Local municipal planners and local citizens know what the best alternatives are for their city, not the province.

Realistically, even the addition of car lanes will NEVER keep up with the increase in traffic caused by an ever-increasing urban population. No matter how many lanes of traffic you have, you're still in traffic. You still have to stop at red lights and you still have to watch for pedestrians. The ONLY way to avoid traffic is to move people from cars to bike, foot and mass transit. Making cycling and walking safer is a major part of this transition as well as would be investment in fast, safe, reliable public transit.