I cycle regularly across the…


I cycle regularly across the city, and feel safer using the Bloor-Danforth bike lanes. Bike lanes save lives and encourage cycling. Cycling is good exercise and exercise benefits physical and mental health. Moreover, unlike driving, cycling does not pollute or contribute to green house gas emissions. Pollution leads to health-related illnesses such as asthma, and green house gas emissions are responsible for climate change, which in turn increases catastrophic events such as flooding and forest fires.

Moreover, cycling makes our spaces friendlier. People can see each other's faces and smile at each other.

I am happy to share the bike lane with many bicycle couriers/ food deliverers, which shows that bike lanes are good for employment, business, and customers.

There are so many benefits of bike lanes, it does not make any sense to get rid of them. Moreover, it would be a huge waste of money already invested.