Hello, I am deeply…



I am deeply disappointed that this bill forces cities across the province to remove bike lanes or prevents them from installing new ones. I use these bike lanes almost daily (paricularly in the Etobicoke Bloor West area) and they I look forward to the freedom and independence my children will experience with access to safe bicycle routes.

A few notes:
1. Removing bike lanes will not improve the flow of traffic. The simple fact is that there are too many cars trying to drive through urban areas. If the province wants to make traffic flow, get people who are making unnecessary car trips off the road. Promoting public transit and giving bicycles a lane frees up the existing roadways for the people who have no choice but to drive.

2. Increasing the car infrastructure in urban areas gives preferential treatment to the people driving through, at the expense of those who live there. I can say with certainty that my quality of life will decrease if my family and I lose access to the Bloor street bike lane. The people who drive through my area don't pay property tax here. Why should my neighbourhood be built for their convenience?

3. This is a huge governmental overreach from politicians who supposedly espouse the principle of less government intervention being better. This is a municipal issue, which city mayors are well-equipped to manage.

4. Bike lanes are good for local business. People in cars drive through places and have to pay when they park. People on bikes can stop and shop with greater ease.

The povincial government has a lot of much bigger, more important things to worry about. Considering how dysfunctional healthcare and education systems are, this bill is a big waste of time.