I’ve lived at South Kingsway…


I’ve lived at South Kingsway & Bloor for nine years now and was thrilled to see the bike lanes extended. I have four kids and have not used them once, and I still wholeheartedly support their existence. I honestly do not think traffic has been affected much by them. I see a much greater impact by the condominium construction at the Bloor/South Kingsway intersection, as well as the addition of the new left turn light at Jane/Bloor. Having a red light for cars turning north onto Jane, while the east/westbound traffic continues to move, often causes a massive back up down Bloor St during rush hour.
Additionally, we have a 40 km/h speed limit for a reason - drivers aren’t meant to be able to speed across town. We are an area heavily populated with children. The bike lanes and related pavement markings have made drivers much more cautious and aware. Many of the concrete barriers have been planted with native plants. These are all great things!
Finally, I would like to suggest that we take the money that would be wasted removing bike lanes and give it in the TTC. A subway runs under Bloor! Let’s invest in it and make it better so more people want to take it.