This whole bill is backwards…


This whole bill is backwards and the opposite of being progressive. Bike lanes reduce vehicular traffic on the road and at the same time, protect cyclists and e-scooters. Every time I ride my bike or scooter somewhere that's one less vehicle on the road and less traffic. I commute to work this way when the weather is good and it takes vehicles off the road. I can actually get around faster on a bike or PEV quicker than my car in my city and don't need to worry about parking. There also seems to be an epidemic of vehicles in collisions with cyclists as well, as people in heavy vehicles aren't paying attention to driving. Removing bike lanes that help protect cyclists and give more room for them is absolutely morally corrupt with the number of accidents being seen and severity of injuries involving large vehicles colliding with cyclists.
On top of the objections above, allowing expedited expropriation of property that this bill is allowing/enabling which has nothing to do with cyclists is the real reason this is trying to be pushed through and divide people on the cyclist issue is also very corrupt. Omnibus bills should be disallowed, as corrupt politicians continue to use this avenue to sneak through and hide changes to the law . If this is that important, this issue should absolutely be split out as it's own bill and voted on separately.