I disagree completely with…


I disagree completely with the rash decision to intrude in municipal affairs through removing non-motorized vehicle lanes and by amending legislation to block city council's ability to pursue transit solutions that work for their respective cities. It is clear that neither Premier Ford nor Minister Sarkaria have any background in urban or transportation planning and this is a simplistic response meant to garner votes ahead of an upcoming election. Rather than spending millions of dollars in a bid to make automobiles move faster, it would be more beneficial to understand that cities such as Toronto can no longer support auto-centric transportation modes. There are simply too many residents and too many cars; alternative forms of transportation must be privileged and promoted. Additionally, the environmental impact of encouraging more automobile transport is horrendous and this alone should be reason to avoid these actions. Finally, these decisions should be made with serious study and consultation with community members. There are many businesses and residents across Toronto that are in favour of more active and less carbon intensive forms of transportation; this legislation should not be rammed through without taking the time to fully understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of the current approach to urban streetscapes in cities like Toronto. In closing, this legislation is deeply flawed and should be entirely scrapped in the same manner as other inane provincial policies (see: Greenbelt) that serve to benefit the very few at the cost of the very many.