I am horrified to think of…


I am horrified to think of how many more deaths Bill 212 will cause. I am horrified that we are considering a bill that prioritizes travel time over the health and safety of humans.

I could list a significant number of articles that show that bike lanes save lives but will bring to your attention two that I find undeniable:

This article (4https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31785479/) from Rebecca Ling, Linda Rothman, Marie-Soleil Cloutier, Colin Macarthur and Andrew Howard shows this through intervention and outcome data were obtained from the City of Toronto

This letter (https://healthydebate.ca/2024/10/topic/legislation-road-design-safety-t…) signed by 120 physicians and researchers from the University of Toronto explains in detail why Bill 212 must explicitly place a higher priority on road safety than motor vehicle travel times.

As a citizen, a driver, a cyclist, mental health practitioner, and tax payer I agree.

As a Canadian I want to see our country, and our province move in a different direction. One that makes our cities and towns safer for all, and prioritizes human life over profit and speed.