Dear Premier Ford, As a tax…


Dear Premier Ford,
As a tax-paying citizen of Toronto and Ontario, I am very concerned at the overstepping of the provincial government into the transportation needs of Toronto. I know I can speak for many when I say that cycling in the city has increased, reducing the need for cars within the city and . Bike lanes increase the safety, the wellbeing (mental and physical) of cyclists and all citizens - increasing cars does not. Many people feel more safe to start commuting by bike because of the additional safety. The Ontario Traffic council and others state that the data does not validate comments that this is a solution for traffic congestion which seems to be a desired outcome.

Taking away built lanes is a double-whammy for tax payers - putting them in and taking them out. It doesn't matter if it is 7 million (per news from Queen's Park) or 48 Million (Per the City) - it is money that could and should be spent where we need it more. Education, underhoused, healthcare, etc etc. Personally, it doesn't matter which level of government pays for it, it still comes out of our pockets unnecessarily.

Why is there a need to put peoples' lives at risk? Even car drivers breathe the air they pollute.

I appreciate your re-consideration and elimination of this proposal.