My wife and I are Senior…


My wife and I are Senior Citizens [76 and 74] and we walk and bike almost every day depending on the weather. Where there are no bike lanes, especially in inclement weather, bicyclists are forced onto sidewalks or walking pathways in an effort to protect themselves from aggressive vehicular traffic. Too many car and van drivers are unwilling to share "THEIR" space with bikes that they, mostly, see as a nuisance - SEE the PC Government's continuing attacks on bikes and bike lanes while lauding cars/SUVs/vans and trucks of all sizes. These bike lanes ENSURE the safe, efficient and non-polluting transportation for all ages whether it is travelling to School [our most treasured resources], Work [our taxpayers] or Exercise and Enjoyment [a Healthy Lifestyle as recommended by ALL health providers]. However, this proposed backwards "change" will lead to unnecessary injuries [most probably, deaths] and major costs that will be passed on to Municipalities [that are reacting to the wishes/desires of their Constituents]. What will be the costs of expanding the roadways of Ontario for the car culture [ripping up the bike lanes that some nameless 'bureaucrat' has been "ordered" to identify as 'harmful to vehicular traffic'], the construction of a new highway [413] that will run through prime farmland and. of course, the staggering "dream"/legacy project of a TUNNEL under a portion [for now] of the 401 all to save the commuters of the GTA anywhere from 2 to 5 MINUTES??? We do NOT support this proposal!