This is a terrible proposal…


This is a terrible proposal that focuses on entirely the wrong issues. The bike lanes have made commuting to work safer and more efficient for thousands of taxpaying residents of Toronto. They have increased traffic to businesses along these corridors. Under no circumstances should Environmental Assessments be skipped for any proposed projects, especially given how much more frequent catastrophic weather events are becoming.

After the installation of the Bloor street bike lanes, Toronto saw a 40–90% increase in cyclists, a 56% decrease in cyclist injuries, as well as a decrease in pedestrian and driver industries. Bike lanes are better for business, better for health and safety of Ontarians, and working to undo that is just throwing money away for a cause that will increase harm Ontario citizens and Toronto business owners.

Rather, the province should commit to increasing the safety and efficiency of biking infrastructure to incentivize residents cycling within downtown cores and leaving the roads for the out-of-towners. Take the money you plan to burn on this proposal and spend it where we need it -- public health, housing, and education.