Dear Government of Ontario,
As a driver and pedestrian in this city, I would like to emphatically state that the bike lanes added to this city, especially Bloor and Danforth, have improved this city. Toronto joins the ranks of Amsterdam, Paris, Copenhagen, New York City and many more world class cities as livable, efficient, large metropolises.
As a driver, these bike lanes on the major Toronto roads makes driving a more ordered, less stressful and safer experience. Why? Because cyclists are in their own lanes. I don’t have to worry about them dodging in and out of traffic, causing distraction and stress. I can pay attention to vehicular traffic knowing the bikes have their own lights and lanes to obey. Same goes for pedestrians, who now also have better and more effective traffic lights and signage.
As a pedestrian, our streets, especially Bloor-Danforth, have become more beautiful and inviting. I now do more shopping and eating out in my neighbourhood. With installation of these bike-lanes, sidewalks have been made wider, there is outdoor seating for cafes and restaurants, there is sidewalk space for retails shops to display their wares, and the mess of traffic at intersections is easier and safer to navigate.
So, I implore, even demand that the bike lanes on Bloor-Danforth, Yonge and University Avenues remain in place. Do not rip them up.
As for the Ontario Government attempting to pass legislation to have jurisdiction over municipalities power to choose, to plan and build their own bike lanes (or not), I emphatically object. This represents a gross overreach of provincial power over the democratically elected mayors and councils. The provincial government does not have the moral authority, and it should definitely not have the legal authority to dictate to elected municipal governments how to govern and operate their own cities or towns. The provincial government represents the province, municipal governments represent municipal constituencies, ie. the people who live here. Please, do not infringe on our rights as citizens to have our municipal governments to represent us.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Respectfully yours,
Toronto resident and citizen.
Soumis le 20 novembre 2024 2:20 PM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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