Re: Bikelanes on Bloor…


Re: Bikelanes on Bloor Etobicoke and other areas of the city.
I strongly object to the bike lanes in Toronto:
1.The bikelanes do not make the city safer: Ambulances and firetrucks cannot get through.This can well cause death of patients.
2. The congestion has made commuting time much longer. One cannot open the door on the car without being in the driving lane.
3. The parking is very restrictive and having a handicapped husband it makes it nearly impossible to take him to stores/restaurants.This causes loss of business for the small stores sestroys the neighbourhoods we so enjoy.
4. There is little use of the bikelanes and the bikers often break the rules of the road.
5. The consultation was done without enough input of the neighbourhood.
6. I strongly believe the city counil is not representing myself as a taxpayer.
7. Toronto has a lot of snow in the winter and the bikelanes is an epediment for safe driving.
8. Furthermore City council has spent millions of dollars bike lanes which are not suitable for the distances in Toronto. As a senior I cannot bike to downtown.( I grew up in Copenhangen where bikes are a mode of transportation).
9. Further High Park is now off limits for us on the week-ends. This is discrimination. My handicapped husband cannot walk in High Park as there is no longer sufficients parking.
10.I support the provincial government intervening in this matter.